When you are three, And your dad's friends visit you With their families Your best friends are those With whom you share your favourite toys. And if they're lucky, your chocolate When you are seven, Busy solving your long division, Your best friends are those With whom you share your lunch box. And those whom you invite to your birthday party When you are eleven, Figuring out life outside the cartoon channels Your best friends are those..... Who explain that maths sum to you Who ride on the same bus as you When you are thirteen, You are coming to terms with your body and sexuality; You realise that being an adolescent is never easy Your best friends are those who have the same crush as you, Those who lie so that you can sneak out with your boyfriend. When you are sixteen, You have no idea how your life will span out. The pressure of the boards and entrance is killing you..... Your best friends are those With whom you can have a laugh w...