The Solitary Business of Being Me

There comes a time in your life..... When you are lonely. So lonely that you start fantasising things. You dream about things the way they can never be. Nothing is wrong, but nothing is right either. People mistake your words for arrogance. People mistake your silence for anger. And you feel, for a moment, to scream out loud. Ask everyone to shut the hell up. Please. Don't tell me that I am lucky. Tell me to how to face my demons. Don't remind me what I have, help me get better. Being content isn't a sign of moving forward. Please. Before you accuse me of being indifferent, step into my shoes first. Understand that times haven't been kind to me...... I have been in places where I don't fit in. I have experienced things which are not exactly pleasant. My beliefs have been questioned, my ideals lie in peril. I have lost someone who loved me dearly. And at this moment...... I start wishing for someone. Anyone- a friend, a relative or a...