September 2nd 2014. Clouds in the sky. A slight drizzle. One hundred and fifty students walked towards a new life. A different life. And it began with the Dissection Hall. Before entering the anatomy department a huge quote welcomed us..... 'THE ONLY PLACE WHERE THE DEAD TEACH THE LIVING'. I was intrigued. Awestruck (I still am). However I didn't understand the full potential of this until I saw the Dissection Hall (DH). For any first year medical student, the DH is probably the most exciting thing they could ever see. You know, the formalin soaked dead bodies, that pungent smell enough to make you cry and all the Cunningham manuals. This is the place where we, for the first time, come in contact with the human body and get to know the machinery of it. Cut and remove and count every muscle, organ or vessel of the body. The first few months, we were scared. Not in the exact sense of the word; not scared of the cadaver but intimidated by the fact that ...